Trees are the guarantors of your landscape’s beauty, so MUGO pays special attention to the maintenance of your tree heritage. Our arborist division guarantees its beauty and durability, and preserves the safety of both people and buildings.

Nos interventions

Health and safety audit:
– Study report on the various topics and presentation of results
– Recommendations and work needed: size, felling, bracing or phytosanitary treatment

Light trimming and substantial pruning:
Our pruners use climbing techniques to explore the whole of the crown to the tip of small branches without breaking them. In order not to weaken the tree, these techniques are applied without spurs. The pruner uses ropes and harnesses to climb to the top of the tree.

– The architecture’s size
– Training size
– The maintenance size
– Safety Size
– Area to be cleared

Consolidation of trees with high heritage value but which display mechanical defects through the use of ropes.

Felling and removal:
– Felling
– Removal of dead trees or those with stability defects
– Trimming, stump removal, devitalisation
– Trimming (lowering the level of the stump to be under the soil level)
– Stumping and coring (removal of all of the tree stump)
– Stump Devitalisation

Équipe d’intervention :
Nos « monteurs-élagueurs » certifiés sont assistés d’un ou plusieurs hommes de pied. Nos équipes sont capables d’opérer partout, y compris en milieu difficile ou dangereux : abords de routes, proximité d’habitations, terrasses en hauteur. L’ensemble des branchages sont broyés, recyclés et évacués par nos soins.

Contact commercial élagage :

Nos réalisations
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Nos métiers
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